Technical Research Group


 The scope of activities of technical research group encompasses the following areas:

  1. Corrosion, Material, coatings and cathodic protection, insulation and refractories
  2. Mechanic including fixed and rotary equipment, sensitive machines , …
  3. Electric relevant to generation and distribution, stability, fixed and rotary electric equipment, …
  4. Electronic, control, automation and instrument, …
  5. Energy saving and regeneration and industrial waters
  6. Civil engineering and reinforcement, …


  1. Technical Research Group was first formed in Research and Development Affairs of National Petrochemical Company in 1987.
  2. This group resumed its activities in early 2006.
  3. This group alongside polymer, non-polymer and catalyst research groups is a subdivision of Management Planning and Coordination of Research and Technology.
Recent Research Policy
  1.  Income earning and capital creation through projects required and requested by petrochemical industries.
  2. Definition of projects in line with resolving production problems of petrochemical industries.
  3. Identification and definition of technical projects in order to strengthen the role of research in Gross National products.
  4.  Orienting towards new Research Code of Oil Industry.

  1. Creativity, innovation and technical research in petrochemical industry with respect to decreasing final production costs.
  2. Productivity, efficiency and longevity of establishments, equipment, parts and consumables in petrochemical industries through applied technical projects and their implementation.
  3. Energy saving in production units and complexes.
  1. Formation and organization of research teams.
  2. Research priorities and project filtering criteria.
  3. Connection, coordination, cooperation and interaction with SPEC Company regarding substitutional projects and formulation of equipment manufacture know-how required by petrochemical industry.
  4. Supervision of research projects in line with group’s objectives.
  5.  Implementation of prioritized projects with respect to requests of petrochemical industry by researchers following an agreement with complexes.
  6. Creating data bank of research projects in petrochemical industry including done and in progress.
  7. Organization of specialist conferences and seminars for collecting suggestions and ideas of experts.

Research Teams
  1. Corrosion research team
  2. Energy and industrial waters research team
  3. Electric and instrument research team
  4. Mechanical research team

Research Priorities of Research Teams

Corrosion team:
  1.  Taking advantage of Nano-technology in corrosion mitigation.
  2.  State-of-the-art anti corrosion coatings with improved function.
  3.  Cathodic protection.
  4. Corrosion in concrete structures of petrochemical complexes.
  5. Taking advantage of smart computerized systems in order to monitor and control corrosion.
  6. Corrosion inhibitors.
  7. Corrosion in petrochemical industry.
  8. Corrosion costs in petrochemical industry.
  9. Insulation and refractory.
  10.  Design of corrosion monitoring systems in petrochemical complexes.
  11. Design of piping corrosion monitoring software.

Energy and industrial waters:
  1. Reduction and
  2. recycling of flare gases.
  3.  Modification and optimization of steam wastage.
  4. Hydrogen management in Mahshahr and Assaluyeh.
  5. Optimization of industrial waters production systems.
  6.  Study of energy wastage decrease in petrochemical complexes.
  7.  Modification and optimization of process furnaces isolation in petrochemical complexes.
  8.  Energy regeneration from process equipment outlets.
  9.  Study of methods of electric energy saving consumed in petrochemical complexes.
  10. Taking advantage of new energies in petrochemical industry.

Electric and instrument team:
  1. Design and fabrication of vessel level gauge using radar technology.
  2. Design and fabrication of static probe sensor of gas phase reactors.
  3. Cooperation in fabrication of turbine flowmeters.
  4. Reduction in convertor sensitivity of pumps to network oscillation
  5. Study of various types of flowmeters based on ultrasonic, turbine and orifice flowmeters and their functional comparison.
  6. Commercialization and resolving problems of single and multi variable transmitter based on FF technology.

Mechanical team:
  1.   Study of high vibration causes in pumps & compressors and offering practical and economical solutions to decrease vibration.
  2.   Review of hydraulic calculations of closed and open cooling water network in order to study the causes of surge in these systems and how to control it.
  3.  Taking advantage of existing energy in ….stations
  4.  Mechanical seals and bearings

Our Motto


Last Update : Aug 27, 2014 11:44

About Us

Research is a tool of competency and supremacy of societies in modern age and has an essential role in economic and cultural development of the society. In this regard, Iranian National Petrochemical Company established Petrochemical Research and Technology Company in 2002 and with a pioneering and comprehensive attitude has developed the research and technology network throughout the petrochemical industries and entrusted Petrochemical Research and Technology Company with the management of the aforementioned network.

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